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Keeping Tanks Cool


How do you cool tanks and bowls  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you cool tanks and bowls

    • Floating ice bottles
    • Ice in the water
    • Fans over the surface (evaporative cooling)
    • Lids off, no fan
    • Chiller unit
    • Replacing warm water with iced/cool water
    • Increasing surface agitation
    • Other

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What is your PRIMARY means of cooling your tanks?


Well, because I have lots of smaller tanks, I just use ice cubes. They seem to be quite effective in dropping the temp one or two degrees.

And the fish are hilarious to watch :D They all swim underneath the cubes, around in circles, try and bite pieces off etc. Then, of course, when the blocks melt, they look like an inviting little piece of food, so they are eaten. Then spat out. And eaten again... :( :D

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I've tried pretty much everything apart from the chiller unit.. with not a lot of success. Pretty much now I take the lids off, blow air from a fan through a damp towel at the tank, have a 2ft bubble wall running full rip in the main tank, float ice (dechlorinated), leave the lights off and hope for the best I want fae's solution :)

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Most are in the house and I use the air con. The Saltwater is inthe western corner of the house (dumb I know but best for veiwing). I have a desk fan pointed on the surface and on the timer with the MH lights (they get hot). I have to watch the evaporation and top the tank up daily with fresh water to maintain the correct salinity, but I find even without the air con, that tank will only get to 27.5 only really hot days.

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I have been floating those big cooler blocks that you can buy for eskies (tripple wrapped in bags and totally sealed because I'm paranoid) in rotation in the 4ft over the past week in an effort to keep the water temp below 30C. Its been working.. just. I'm managing to maintain 28-29C. Since I have no plants in there I'm just leaving the lights off, but lids are on since Roy likes to do little hoppy skippy things in an effort to get your attention when you go past & I'm worried he might end up land diving. I've now got some 2L coke bottles full of frozen water and have done away with the freezer blocks. I was only using them out of sheer desperation because we got hit with a sudden heat wave. The fish in the jebo didn't make it.. I tried floating ice cubes in there but they did zilch.

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  • 4 years later...

I've made mesh lids from a cut off of fly screen i had left over from my frog tank lid. Once the tank temperatures start getting to high i turn off the lights and use the mesh to stop anyone from trying to escape their tank and if its really hot ill use a fan as well. We've now got air conditioning down one end of the house, and while most of my tanks are in the non conditioned end of the house it seems to help keep the temperature of the rest of the house down enough that with the other measures the tanks don't get much over 30.

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