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Hey Hey! Betta Lover All The Way!


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HI everyone! It's great to be a member of the betta loving community! My name is Olivia and I've been in the betta scene for only a couple of months now. I have 6 VT's (that's what I started with), 2 CT's and 4 HM's. Originally I didn't know the extensive world of bettas existed and thought there were only Veil's. But now I am really into the halfmoon's and hope to extend my group with breeding etc. My original fish 'Nibbler' is a purple marble VT and has taught me so much about the do's and dont's of betta keeping. I had a few ups and downs initially as I expect most betta owners do. Luckily Nibbler is a fairly hardy fish and has been wonderful enough to put up with my mistakes etc. Now I think I have the care downpat and am ready to start getting some seriously fancy HM's. My first halfmoon was an accidental buy from my LFS. I saw a very unhappy looking copper coloured betta and felt sorry for him so brought him home. With a bit of TLC he has blossomed into a full mask copper HM with such awesome colour I am blown away! His finnage is not show quality but has started me wanting more! Every day he gets better though and I love watching his development. My other HM's are turquoise mask, blue butterfly and white marble. Anyway, I'll quit raving now! I look forward to chatting with people on here about fishy topics! If anyone on here can help me with importing some bettas from Aquabid.com I would really appreciate it! Please contact me. Thanks all! L :yes:

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Hi Olivia! Great to "meet" you :yes: Importing via Aquabid is fairly simple. Basically you can bid on any fish sold from any seller in Thailand, and Jodi-Lea (fishchick) acts as transhipper. Bid in the auction, and if you win, cc Jodi in on the correspondence you have with the seller so she knows you've won the fish and has the details to organise importation/shipping. It's best and easiest if you have a paypal account so you can pay the seller youself (The prices are all in USD), then on importation you pay Jodi the import fee of $30 AUD per fish, then the shipping to your place after the fish clears quarantine is $20. HTH.

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Hi Lilli, Thanks very much for your info there, that's just what I wanted. I have been in contact with someone about getting some fish over here and I think I will have a go at bidding on a couple. Oh, and thanks for the welcome too! Cheers L

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Leela, Nibbler... sounds like we have another Futurama fan. :)


:) absolutely!!! I love futurama. And Nibbler was the perfect name. He's very cute, eats absolutely anything, and has a little white mouth with a big dark purple band near his eyes.

Oh, and he loves his mummy! :yes:

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Oh hey!! Hello! Another betta fanatic that I can meet when i come up!!


And a futurama fan to boot!! Poor old zoidberg eh? :lol:


Hey Mishy! Hey Liz!

I love Zapf Branigan, he's my absolute favourite character.

I love the 'Amazonian Women' episode, Zapf is hilarious.

"Please ladies, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised..." :rant:

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AHAHAHAH ..... and the death sentence... 'DEATH BY SCHNOO SCHNOO'! And Zapp... I think we're still pronouncing champagne as 'sham-pag-nee' and several of the guys here claiming they have a learning deficiency in love... Must admit I love the episode when Zoidberg goes nuts because he's full of male jelly... then goes on to prove that he's an incompetent doctor... LOL I should stop now or i can talk all day on Futurama...

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