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When To Scrap A Spawn


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So i'm useless, I froze ohh, lots of my spawn? I have 2 gadding about, and I'm just wondering precisely how silly i'm being by raising only 2 offspring. It *feels* a bit silly, but i don't think I have much option really. Its not nearly as silly as not having the heater on in the first place *sigh* Does anyone else do this? Do you run off a 2nd spawn or add the remainder to a group of other fry so you aren't occupying an entire tank for a few fry?

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Oh, now I understand :rofl: I haven't had more than 2 spawns at a time, and that was only once. both spawns had about 200 fry. 1 was all royal blue, the other was all steel. Half sibling VTs. I did move some of the larger steel fry to the tank containing the RBs and RB runts to the steelb tank, to stop runts being eaten. But that was it. In future, since I am concentratiing on metallic greens/blues and coppers, this spawn-mixing won't really be possible.

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Don't like to get rid of any fry cause I live to see them grow and change. I mix with another spawn if different but if they are too small or the same, I put them in a milk bottle with holes in another spawn tank or if they are really tiny a spawn net thingy hanging in the main tank.

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