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Lost 2


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:) within 2 days. one with a water change, one without. I lost Cumba on Saturday. He curled up into this little mint green leaf shape. I think the stress of another female in his tank drove him batty :( he had eaten a lot of his tail off. I lost Rocky today. This has me utterly baffled. nothing had changed :? :( It just sucks.

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aww, its horrid isn't it. (I lost one of my enisae the other night, leaving me 1. I was 99% sure they were a pair courting etc. I removed the log out of the tank and it must of got caught up on the java moss growing all over it. He was crispy on the ground outside. I am devasted. Damn wilds, I was so careful and checked too!)

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not the copper OHM!!?? Sorry Abs, and Jess, and Phil :). I managed to cook (yes, I said COOK) a green female yesterday .... I was packaging them to send to Vicki and I thought hers was one of the empty bottles (it only had 2" of water in the bottle and had algae growin on in) and so ... I RINSED WITH HOT WATER!!! GOD, I SUCK!!! :censored:

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So sorry to hear about all your losses! It must be the season to be losing bettas.. lost 2 in the space of 3 days last week after a water change and one more (my favourite and oldest one too!) has curled up under her little plant and hasn't moved in days. I fear she's on her way to the big fishbowl in the sky too! :wah:

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:grouphug: to everyone I've lost two this past week myself. One was simply old age.. she was nearly 3 and she just faded out over this past week and I found her forever sleeping this morning.. the other was a complete shock. No idea why, just popped off over night ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh poor Cumba, he was a sweety. Yeah I've just been over a rough spot myself. One was a death without warning, it's sad when you have a perfectly heathy fish suddenly die :cheer: . Yes it isn't unusual for bettas to pick at one another when weakened or dead, they are opportunist scavengers. I have a betta that has figured out if they flip a snail over they can eat the snail inside so I've not many snails left at the moment.

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