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I thought about getting some yellow ones they were... ......... .... Crap! I cant remember the name of them. About $6 each. Mak - or something? erm, brain not working. I remember telling you Ab's once upon a time about them.

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Have kept Killies on and off for years. Just gave a pair Australe ( orange form) to a friend and they have a number of mops with eggs in them. Waiting to get a few back. I've also got a pair of gardeneri coming :thumbs: to try and breed. These two killies just spawn on floating plants of artificial mops and their eggs don't need to be taken out of the water. Treat them just like rainbows really, and they will do fine.

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the gardneri & australi both leave their fry alone as long as the fry are provided with lots of floating cover. I suspect if you removed the mops you would get a larger survival rate in the fry for many reasons. I'd say its a good idea to remove the mops at least untill you get enough young comming through to risk leaving them all together.

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I've noticed talking to the americans that many betta keepers also keep killies. The two seem to go hand in hand. My new gardneri have settled in well. They look great, now I just need to breed them. I set up a tank to breed the Betta simorum but thats now got the gardneri in it. Oh well must set up another one then.

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The Yellow Panchax is what I see all the time down here (they are Golden Wonder) Usually as single fish, no groups/pairs. So it is not worth buying them. Did anyone see the article on Killis in May's TFH magazine? ;) @ the beautiful Fundulopanchax mirabilis :lol:

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O.K. what they have is: Aphyosemion Amienti: Egg Hangers Easy To Spawn Beautiful coloring " Australe As Above " Gardeni Nigeranium As Above " Scheeli As Above " Striatum As Above " Walkeri As Above " Sjoestedi Egg Buriers in a bed of peat moss Breeding unknownto me as i havent ventured into the egg buriers yet .All Sold as pairs except amieti but suspect that they have both sexes if you ask for them .To me Amienti and Australe are the prettiest but each to his own Hope this helps. Oh they also have blue and gold panchax as well as Epiplatys Annulatus

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