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Green OHM Marble


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Ok, so he is nothing like his picture from aquabid, but still... :blink: :blink:

He is more of an aqua pastel greeny blue colour, not turq. He has the best finnage and form of any betta i have ever had, so here are a few pics, without flash, i would get better ones but my batteries need charging.

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Hi Phil, Impressive fish indeed! Nice finnage on this guy. I think this is really an example of the classic photoshop trick......I mean the fish is great but nothing like the color showed on the fish in your avatar. It seems it defenitely is the same fish looking at the color pattern only the green is blue and the white is red... But defenitely a great fish to work with!! Good luck :blink:, Joep

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Hi Guys, He is the same fish, i have compared with pics etc. The marble gene could play a part in it, deffently the red where the white used to be, but the green is way off, but greener than the photos show. Oh well... i still really like him :blink:

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