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Cleaning Water Drums?


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Because of my water situation, I keep my water in 20Lt drums. Some of my drums have big lids and are easy to scrub out. But others have little lids and I can't get anything apart from a hose in there but that isnt removing the algae. Can I use bleach or something to clean these out and then use something to neautralize the bleach? Will they be fish friendly afterwards?

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what about those magnetic algae scrappers? Or maybe you could just use algae fix chemical? Might be fish-friendly but not shrimp friendly though.

if you're using bleach, make sure you rinse it really really really well. I tend to overkill when un-bleaching my equipments. I rinse the bleached equipments well, then soak it in the water for 1-2 night and put 5-10x dechlorinator dose and then rinse them again.

Also, make sure you use the unscented bleach.

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I need some sort of liquid I can put in..close the lid and shake like crazy..then tip out and all the yuk algae is gone.

so half vinegar and half water?? Do I need to do anything to neautralize it?

I cant use one of magnetic cleaner thingys as it isnt a smooth surface. It has lots of lumps and bumps on the bottom.

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Boiling water, Place in drum tighten lid and rotate getly so it comes in contact with all sefacesess it will rupture the alge cells and kill them off then do your canasta shaking to kleen and whala no more alge. or as an alturnative if they are 20 Ltr cut the top off with a jig saw and that will make cleaning easyer I did that with my 200Ltr drums and the lid just rests on top



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