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What to do with this tank


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This is my tank


I'm a bit lost of what to do now. It was heavily stricken with algae a few weeks back and I did 50% water change and added some plants. It looked like it wasn't going to go clear but then suddenly out of the blue one day it just did :confused: . So now I'm planning on using it too house a few juvie bettas (6 max) in those betta boxes that u can put into the aquariums. What should I put into this tank so too ensure that the nitrates don't get out of control and the whole tank goes green again =[. I'm thinking more plants so will add water sprite, frogbit and probably some duckweed because I'm a fan of the floating plants and I always seem to be able too kill duckweed so not too afraid of that :blink: . Oh and theres 2 internal power filters in there, one is less powerful than the other and also heater. So if anyone would like to suggest anything pleaseeee go ahead.

Thanks in advance,

Zac :lol:

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Have you thought about starting a moss wall there are some nice types around also suwasatang Is a great looking plant I use it in some of my tanks But my daughter uses java moss in her betta tank, it in her room and the moss is as green as but the tank water is always clear



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