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Well, Although still in the test phase of this site (and moving to a new skin that supports more mods ASAP) We would REALLY love to know what it is that you'd like to see on this site :) You guys have been invited in because we really value your input (and friendship :) but in this post, input :P) Our thoughts are as follows: *provide platform for super-local discussion. *provide detailed article archive on a range of topics *try to provide up-to-date water analysis for different areas around the country *set up a network of betta breeders that arewilling to swap or give away offspring in order to allow others to continue the line, providing F2 and F3 from imported and locally bred pairs that otherwise may not have been possible. *provide support for members on a local basis. (tank-cleaning when ill or injured, help when moving, access to first foods, group [bulk?] buys etc) *provide access to many Australian importers and breeders, without accepting sponsorship. This allows for an unbiased approach to getting great fish. *3 strikes and you are out. A known and transparent disciplinary code relating directly to the terms of service. All rather lofty ideas, but I think they can be managed if we try :) So, the question is have we left anything out? We don't want to get too big for our boots by adding on a whole bunch of extra features that will rarely get used, so we need to know what is important to you all, and what you think would be the most beneficial. (we can add more later if it turns out we need it:)) We'd also like to know your visions for a site like this, where you think we should be heading and what things we could consider doing to get us there :) If you don't want to speak up here, you can PM or email, its not a problem :)

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  • 3 months later...

I personally think that this is a great site. I believe that you guys have fullfilled your intentions for Ausaqua.net with flying colors. But can i make a suggestion for the technical side of things? Namely an 'auto-correct' function in posts? that will correct any grammar errors if we choose to use it? thanks :) :lol:

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Hey Stefan, good suggestion :lol: Do you mean a dictionary?? We can install a dictionary to the boards, but thats something we have to look into the program and discuss it. As far as I know there is only one dictionary available for IPB and I dare say it will be American based & you will have the option to do a spell check. Watch this space :)

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cool. i mean something like in Microsoft Word. where if you miss-spell a word, a red line appears under the word which when you right click it will bring up a little list of correctly spelled words which could match your word etc,. also something which would automatically convert slang spelling etc to correct spelling if the user enables the function. does something like that exist on the net? :lol: thanks :)

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:)!!! :lol: No, we certainly cannot do anything like that. But I dare say if you find a hardcore programmer who is game enough to rip off the MS idea [which prolly has 50 patents attached) for a challenge, you might be in luck :D

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My Boss wood always say, "Czech you're spelling". You sea, Eye mist allot of misspelled words in the stuff eye rote four hymn. Plane and simple, I am knot a vary good speller. My boss disgust this with me and tolled me that pour spelling was my mane problem. (I think it was my soul problem.) Butt theirs good gnus, Eye have a word processor with a spell checker, and my spelling has gone form sew sew two vary good. My boss doesn't waist his thyme wining about my letters which left hymn in a days when he red them. He used too bee reel mean, butt know moor, because its rear for me to misspell anything. Eye dew knot no how my spell checker works, butt it does a grate job. It can really fined miss takes. We awl knead won. Wear due ewe fined spell checkers? there rite on you're computer, of course. Sew wok over too you're MAC or PC, and peak at your work processor. Weather ewe no it ore knot, the software that controls rap around and prince, also checks spelling. Sum work processors show ewe you're miss takes in blew font, sew their easy too fined. Spell checkers are fast two. Their is know weight (provided your computer doesn't frieze up or brake).

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  • 1 month later...

Hey :yes: back again ;) So our main page problems are very almost solved. The new portal is a little more welcoming than YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED etc :P It should get totally gorgeous once the new theme is finished ;) Autocorrect is still being done manually, but we are working on it. The new portal gives us a few more options so you never know :) We have a few things that you are going to like that should be available soon :) There is a new way to log spawns in the works that is starting to look very spiffy :) NOW, since we are in upgrade mode, is there anything else that you'd find useful? Even things that are completely silly, or you think are too extravagant, just let us know anyway :) You never know til you ask! :)

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This is going to sound silly, but can we get a list of couriers who will do shipping for fish across the country, and have it pinned in Classifieds? With contact numbers? With Aussiepost smartened up to our shipping methods ( :yes: edie), I'd like to have a quick reference should i need to send anything out. Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Ausaqua Team :) I have been think, lately, that we usually have more than 1 user using the forum at any one time. Obviously, if these users visit the forum regularly, once they read all the new posts and start their own topics or reply to other posts, and do all that other stuff browsing the forum, then time slows down untill someone else posts... :) Do you get my drift? Maybe, if it's possible, we can set up an Ausaqua chatroom? *lol* Just an idea though, if it cant be done , thats ok, I suppose, but I have faith in you guys! Look at how awsome the forum is already :) Thanks in advance :)

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All forums go quiet at times, I don't think it is anything to be worried about. quality is better then quantity :) We have been thinking thinking about a chat room for months now, and it's a matter of which one is better and safer (ie, only members can log into) and nice on the eyes. Maybe after Christmas we will look into setting up a chat room *lol*

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