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This is my new gorgeous CAE - yet to be named.

I wasn't going to buy another so quickly after losing Dragon, but I found myself standing in front of the Golden CAE tank today of a lfs and this guy stood out from the crowd. He was the only one with this colouring and markings and I just had to have him! He's about 10cm, so only a baby yet, but he's sooo cute!

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My community tank is undergoing treatment atm, so he's safely tucked away in a QT tank for the time being.

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This was my Dragon who I lost a few days ago to a secondary infection. He must have injured himself somehow being a silly boy Its also possible he may have contracted the parasite that I'm treating my tank for atm and that was the culprit :?? Whatever the reason, it came on very sudden and he was gone in a matter of hours.

He was an amazing fish. He could fling rocks at the other fish (and the occasional piece of zucchini :)) ) with incredible accuracy - it was amazing to watch! At 20cm long, most fish didn't argue with him when he made his point (usually with a flying missile) that his castle was not open to the public. Surprisingly he was willing to share his sanctuary with the cory's, clown loaches & BN. I know CAE's have a nasty rep, but Dragon never gave me any trouble apart from the time that I had to spend a couple of nights away from home and the fish didn't get fed, so Dragon decided that rather than starve he'd just snack on a few neons and guppies :o

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They are Chinese Algae Eaters (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri). They can get pretty big.. biggest I've seen is about 24cms. But I have read they can get as big as 11 inches (27cm) They are really easy to keep.. although they can be a bit on the territorial side and same species agressive if kept in smaller tanks. 25G and up you'd be ok. They love algae wafers and the odd piece of zucchini (and the odd fish when they get big and think your not going to feed them :lol: )

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lovely colour, good score! You're right about the size of the tank though Vicki - most people don't realise that these guys get big and belligerent! They can harass angels badly - sucking on their sides and taking off the slime coat. They also chase bottom dwellers. If you are after a true algae eater - go for the siamese flying fox. Buy a CAE because you want a CAE! Cheers, someone

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I'm such an idiot. :giggle: I've seen chinese algae eaters, and the LFS guy even gave me the run down on what they were like when I was there a few months back. :) I guess they'd be a bad idea for a Jebo with corydoras similis..... :) I've never seen that colour before though, I like them, they're cute! :cheer:

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I haven't had any problems keeping corys, BN's and CAE's together. It was guppies & neons trying to enter his 'cave' that caused most dummyspits (or rockspits anyway! :blink: ) I don't keep angels though so no personal experience there.

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