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Recommended Tank for Betta and Tetras


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I'm wanting to upgrade my betta's into a nice organised setup but I'm having a little trouble figuring out what to get and maybe considering adding in a few tetras or something. I don't have a whole lot of money but I'm fine with saving up for the perfect tanks. I'll be having them in my room so I would like something with a quiet air pump/filter. I've looked into the Fluval Spec 3 but I've heard the airflow is too strong for a betta. Then I discovered Animates Betta Design Aquarium from petbarn but read the filter design is not all that great and the whole tank is cheaply made. This is just stuff I've read up so I don't know if any of it is true or not but I don't want to go out wasting money. What tanks does everyone else use? Also, would it be better if I buy just a standard glass tank from the market? I would love to hear everyone's thoughts and suggestions 

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I prefer to use standard tanks just because I like the flexibility of choosing what I put in there. But I admit there are some very attractive tank packages available. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the filter flows of the newer ones. Depending on the type of filter you might be able to modify the outflow to diffuse it. Heavily planting the tank can also create enough quite resting places. 

I don't like tetras with bettas. I find them to be fin nippers. Better companions are corydoras. Some of the smaller varieties are very cute. I've heard that rasboras might be less nippy but I haven't tested this myself. 

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I prefer to use standard tanks just because I like the flexibility of choosing what I put in there. But I admit there are some very attractive tank packages available. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the filter flows of the newer ones. Depending on the type of filter you might be able to modify the outflow to diffuse it. Heavily planting the tank can also create enough quite resting places. 

I don't like tetras with bettas. I find them to be fin nippers. Better companions are corydoras. Some of the smaller varieties are very cute. I've heard that rasboras might be less nippy but I haven't tested this myself. 

​Thanks dear. I went to the market this morning and I brought two 15'' glass tanks 17L each $30 together. I'm very happy with them :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've heard that rasboras might be less nippy but I haven't tested this myself. 

I have had Hengeli rasboras with a Betta, They were fine the Betta was the problem.

17 litres is too small for tank mates in my opinion.


Better companions are corydoras.

You need at least 6 of them or they will stress, The more the merrier.

Edited by NickAu
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  • 3 weeks later...

So here's what I've done with my tanks. In my two 16L tanks I've got two males setup in their environments, one mostly with lava rock, gold vine and a few red plants, in the second I've got two pieces of driftwood with anubias nana and java moss which I find very beautiful. In my 30L tank I'm got java fern, anubias nana and amazon sword and I'm going to be using for my females, though I've been looking into getting a 60L tank but will see how I go with saving money. All tanks also include duckweed, my personal favorite. I also have a three bay trio tank with small anubias nana again but it's only 11L so not big at all however will be using it somehow for my breeding or as a spare. I'm sure I'll work something out to put it to good use. After I return from the christmas holidays I'll start getting setup for breeding and see how we go from there :)

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