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Caboolture Show


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Caboolture Show
Section 19 Aquarium Competition
June 6th – June 8th 2014

1 Betta Splendens – School Grooming Challenge
2. Betta Splendens – Vieltail
3. Betta Splendens – Crowntail
4. Betta Splendens – Halfmoon
5. Betta Splendens – Doubletail
6. Betta Splendens – Plakat
7. Betta Splendens – Female
8. Betta Splendens – A.O.V.
9. Wild Betta (all non Splendens species)
10. Australian Native Rainbows and Sunfish
11. Any other variety of Native Fish
12. Goldfish
13. Livebearers
14. Anabandits (other than Bettas)
15. Tetras, Rasboras, Danios
16. Catfish
17. African and Asian Cichlids
18. American Cichlids
19. Any other variety tropical fish
20. Novice (open to exhibitors who have never won a prize)
21. Community Tank. Animals that live together in harmony.
22. Planted Aquarium Nothing artificial allowed in tank.
23. Furnished Aquarium
24. Design & Technique
25. Design & Technique Invitational.
26. Children’s Exhibit (5 to 16years)
27. Novelty
28. Large Fish (Tank Busters)
29. Marine

Best Display of Show $150, trophy and certificate
Champion Tropical (Classes 13 to 16 & 20) $50, trophy and certificate
Champion Cichlid (Classes 17, 18 & 20) $50, trophy and certificate
Champion AOV (Classes 10, 11, 12, 19, 20 &29) $50, trophy and certificate
Champion Betta (Classes 2 to 9) $50, trophy and certificate

Classes (excluding 1 & 25)
1st Place $25 and certificate
2nd Place $15 and certificate
3rd Place $5 and certificate

Special Trophies;
Class 1 – School Grooming Challenge
Class 25 – Design & Technique Invitational

(a) Entries to emailed to gday@firstclassaccounts.com or handed in at a QAH club meeting
(b) Entry fee is $2.00 per nominated entry.
© Entries close at 10pm Friday 23rd May 2014, late entries may not be accepted due to space.
(d) Entry fees must accompany the Entry Form.
Cheques to be made payable to Queensland Aquarium Hobbyists Inc.
(e) Entries may be installed from Saturday 31st May between 10am and 6.00pm, Sunday 1st June between 2.00pm and 10.00pm,
Monday 2nd June and Tuesday 3rd June 2014 between 6.00pm and 10.00pm.
(f) Hands out of entries at 10.00pm Tuesday 3rd June and judging will be Wednesday night, 4th June.
(g) Equipment supplied includes - stands, lights, power supply and air supply.
(h) Exhibitors to supply - their own Heaters, 1 x 1m (36”) lead / power board (S.E.C. approved),
and their own Aquariums, which must be either;
(1) 600mm (long) x 380mm (high) x 380 up to 460mm (wide) - 24” x 15” x 15 to 18” or
(2) 900mm (long) x 460mm (high) x 380 up to 460mm (wide) - 36” x 18” x.15 to 18” or
(3) 1200mm (long) x 460mm (high) x 380up to 460mm (wide) - 48” x 18” x 15 to 18”.
(i) There are limited QAH tanks are available in 900mm (3ft) and 600mm (2ft) sizes.
If you would like to reserve any of these tanks for use it will be on a first in first served basis.
(j) Maximum of two (2) competitive fish entries per tank. Three (3) competitive entries are permitted only when a combination of Fish
plus any of, Community, Planted , Furnished and Novelty are entered
(k) Classes 1 through to 9 will be judged using the International Betta Congress judging criteria.
(l) Classes 24 and 25, Design and Technique classes will be judged at 50 points for Design and 50points for Technique.
Fish will not count towards overall score. All plants, rocks, ornaments, filtration and gravel will be provided. There will be limited entries in these classes.
(m) All other Classes will be judged in accordance with QFAS judging criteria.
(n) Fish to be judged must be nominated by the competitor.
(o) Animals (any fish, invertebrate, amphibian or reptile) other than those nominated for judging
may be included to improve the quality of the display.
(p) Where permits are required for display of animals/fish, copies of the permits must be provided to the stewards.
(q) When rare or new species are entered for judging, it is up to the competitor to provide supporting documentation.
Otherwise the entry will be judged at the Chief Steward’s discretion.
® All entries are eligible for Best Display.
(s) Any sick fish will not be judged.
(t) Steward’s collective decision is final.
(u) If any classes have less than three (3) entries they may be combined.
(v) A copy of rules and standards will be available upon request at all times.
(w) All entries must fit into supplied stands, no free standing entries permitted.
(x) All care is taken with entries, but the Society accepts no responsibility for any loss or damages incurred.
(y) Presentation of Trophies and prizes will be held at 3.00pm Sunday 8th June.
(z) Entries to be removed between 4.00pm and 9.00pm Sunday 8th June 2014.

CHIEF STEWARD: Cary Bielenberg ph: 0407 572 253
ASSISTING STEWARDS: Brian. Trim, Adam. Rutherford, Graeme. Day & Stephen. Kaehne.

For any queries concerning classes, conditions or to reserve QAH tanks, contact either ;
the Chief Steward, Cary Bielenberg on 0407 572 253, email: cary@bielenberg.id.au
or Graeme Day on 0402 841 627, email gday@firstclassaccounts.com
Also alternately check out more info on the QAH Website: http://www.qah.org.au

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